Launch of FLO chapter in Jammu & Kashmir

Apr 25, 2016

NOIDA, INDIA - The World Trade Center (Noida, GIFT City, and Chandigarh) through its trade services arm VERBIND partnered with the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ladies Organization (FLO) to launch the women's chapter in Jammu & Kashmir on 11th April 2016. In our affirmation towards sustainable livelihood and profit with dignity the launch was undertaken as a part of our ‘Home Made in India’ initiative. With their presence in J&K, FLO intends to work for the economic development, empowerment and providing business platform to the women entrepreneurs in the region. 

Home made in India is a holistic platform offering numerous services for the entrepreneurs to grow. It aims to provide exhibit stores for the entrepreneurs at World Trade Center Noida, World Trade Center GIFT and World Trade Center Chandigarh. Apart from that, the initiative will also provide mentoring, skill development programs, business accelerator services and buyers sellers connect in India and International market as well.

To further strengthen the initiative World Trade Center (Noida, GIFT CITY and Chandigarh) through its trade services arm VERBIND is organizing two major events (i) International Women Entrepreneur Exhibition (ii) Home Made in India Conference and Exhibition. The events are being organized in collaboration with FLO and BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The initiative will lead towards promotion of women entrepreneurship, trade and more particularly the small and home grown entrepreneurs. We collaborated with FLO to bring this dream to reality.

Ms. Vinita Bimbhet, president FLO while addressing the participants said that FLO endeavors to promote women entrepreneurs and professionals and that the launch of the chapter in Jammu &Kashmir will help in integrating existing and potential entrepreneurs and other professionals under the FLO umbrella with the support of WTC Noida, WTC GIFT City, WTC Chandigarh and VERBIND. 

Women empowerment and entrepreneurship has always been one of the top agendas at the WTC (Noida, GIFT CITY, Chandigarh) and VERBIND, whether it is through promotion of home grown women entrepreneurs or the further encouragement of urban businesswomen.

Standing true to the commitment, Ms. Khair Ul Nissa, Executive Director, (WTC Noida, GIFT CITY, Chandigarh and VERBIND) graced the occasion and was instrumental in the launch of the chapter. She commented that “We, through mentoring, financing, infrastructure facilities and providing exposure to both local and international markets, endeavor to do our bit for the business empowerment of the women in India”. 

The event was a great success with the regional Government extending complete support to the forth-coming venture. Held at the Lalit Palace Hotel, Srinagar, it was attended by more than 100 business women from Kashmir.

To learn more about WTC Noida, click on the source link below: 
