#InnovAccion Forum

Nov 25, 2016

VALENCIA, VENEZUELA - Venezuelans connected with success in the #InnovAccion Forum

Corporate CEOs, employees and entrepreneurs learned from experts how to start and grow their business projects.

Filled to capacity, the World Trade Center Valencia held the fourth edition of the #InnovAction Forum. During the event, attendees heard testimonies from business leaders and their learnings to innovate and be successful.

The Professor of the Entrepreneurship Center at IESA, Nivario Rancel, was in charge of presenting and establishing links between the presentations. Carlos Blohm, president of Ama de Casa spoke about present-day challenges as an opportunity to test our own abilities. “It is necessary to leave the comfort zone, in order to innovate.” Then, Jesús “Chubeto” Bolívar, Product Development Leader in Nomis Solutions, highlighted the importance of letting ourselves make mistakes on the way to success. “Failing is good, is part of the process. But to innovate it is necessary to learn to fail fast”.

While talking about the essential requirement to be successful, Augusto Moronta, General Director of Tecno.Blue, pointed to the value of strategic alliances for the development of innovative business models. Also, the founder of Avila Burger, Jorge Arredondo, spoke about the beginnings and evolution of his project, he stated that in franchises business models there must be an organization that supports the entire network, and therefore, the experience and quality of service play an important role in the growth of the company.

For the event’s closure, Salvador Lo Cascio and Lucien Pinto shared with the attendants how the innovation process occurs in a tradition company as Ford Motor Venezuela, aiming to make a difference in society. The attendants at the #InnovAction Forum expressed their gratitude and enthusiasm for having had the opportunity of hearing first-hand the experiences in entrepreneurship from the business leaders themselves.

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