APAC WTCA Members Celebrate 22nd WTCA Day

Jul 02, 2024

To celebrate the 22nd anniversary of WTCA Day (June 12), the WTCA Asia Pacific (APAC) Regional Advisory Council (RAC) and Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) hosted the “2024 WTCA Day Celebration Special – Asia Pacific: Industrial Park Development and WTC Network” webinar on June 24. The program was attended by more than 50 representatives from over 20 World Trade Center businesses and their local communities across the region and beyond. 

Industrial park development has picked up pace throughout the Asia Pacific in recent years due to the region’s rapid economic development and industrialization. Many countries in the region such as China, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam have actively developed and promoted industrial parks to attract foreign direct investment (FDI), boost manufacturing capacity and create job opportunities. As one of the largest international trade networks in the world, WTCA and its Members have worked closely to support industrial park development through global connectivity and trade facility. 

Collage Wtca Day 3 620(Attendees at the ‘2024 WTCA Day Celebration Special – Asia Pacific: Industrial Park Development and WTC Network’ webinar on June 24, 2024)

The 2024 WTCA Day webinar featured Mr. Richard Osmond, President and CEO of Science Park of the Philippines, as the keynote speaker who gave a general overview of industrial park development in the Asia Pacific region, specifically in the Philippines, and a panel of WTC executives across the region to share their perspectives on the momentum of industrial park development and the role of the global WTCA network. The meeting also introduced the upcoming 2024 WTCA Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM), which will be hosted by World Trade Center Haikou from August 25 to 27. 

WTCA Members in the Asia Pacific region further celebrated the UN-designated WTCA Day by joining a social media campaign initiated by the WTCA Headquarters team in New York on how WTC businesses foster growth and business connections around the world, while others celebrated this important day by hosting business events and ceremonies aligned with WTCA’s global mission. 

“Celebrating the 22nd anniversary of WTCA Day together with sister WTC businesses within the Asia Pacific region was truly exciting. This unique WTCA program allowed us to feature valuable insights on industrial park development and the added value that the WTC brand extends to the industrial estate industry. As a major international trade network, we are ready to provide connection and share expertise through programs like this for our business communities across the world to succeed and thrive,” said Ms. Pamela D. Pascual, Chairman & CEO of WTC Metro Manila, Chair of the WTCA APAC RAC, and Member of the WTCA Board of Directors.

About WTCA Day 

In 2002, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg proclaimed June 12 to be "WTCA Day," which was subsequently acknowledged by the office of the Secretary General of the United Nations, to recognize the WTCA and its network of WTC businesses for encouraging and facilitating trade, promoting economic development and fostering peace.