
Partners with WTC Denver - 2024 Global Landing Pad

May 31, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that the World Trade Center Shamshabad - Visakhapatnam - Genome Valley - Hosur recently partnered with World Trade Center Denver to host a pioneering information session on the 2024 Global Landing Pad initiative led by Denver Economic Development & Opportunity .

Participants were introduced by Mr. Vamsi Krishna, Director of WTC Shamshabad, Visakhapatnam, Genome Valley & Hosur.聽


Ms. Stephanie Garnika, Director at Denver Economic Development & Opportunity.聽

Mr. Srinavas Raghavan, US Principal Commercial Officer, Consulate General of Hyderabad.聽

Sandi, Vice President of WTC Denver.聽

Ms. Karen, President of WTC Denver.聽

Mr. Vara Prasad Reddy, Chairman of WTC Shamshabad.聽

Mr. Martin Gonzalez, WTC Denver.聽

Welcome Remarks made by Mr. Srinivas Raghavan along with providing the聽 following insights:聽

o He oversees American business interests in Central and East India, facilitating investments from Indian businesses into the United States.聽

o Emphasized Denver as an excellent business destination for exporting to India, with opportunities to connect with American companies.聽

o Mentioned the commercial service's assistance in exploring market opportunities, finding partners, and navigating regulatory processes for investments or business expansion into Central India.聽

Mr. Vamsi Krishna thanks Mr. Raghavan for his wonderful hearing and requests Sandi to introduce the participants to the Denver Economic Development & Opportunity team.聽

Sandi, representing the Denver Economic Development & Opportunity team, highlighted the following key points:聽

Introduced the Denver Global Landing Pad program and WTC Denver.

Emphasized WTC Denver's role in connecting international businesses and supporting startups.聽

Mentioned recent interactions with Indian startup resources in Bangalore.聽

Stephanie Garnika, assisted by Martin, leads the presentation and expresses gratitude to WTC Shamshabad and Mr. Vamsi Krishna for the opportunity.聽

T hey highlight the importance of the WTC network in facilitating global business connections and promoting foreign trade and investment mentioning that Denver is positioned as the centre of the U.S and an ideal location for international companies.聽

Efforts to foster ties with India include welcoming the Deputy Chief of Mission of the Indian Embassy to Denver and hosting Indian festivals like The Taste of India and also that Denver has a 40-year sister city relationship with Chennai, India.聽

Stephanie represents the Global Engagement division, promoting Denver as a destination for international companies and collaborating with other city agencies to facilitate international affairs.聽

She provides participants with insight into the economic overview of Denver mentioning that:聽

Denver has a population of over 700,000 people, with the metropolitan area summing to around 3.2 million people.聽

Denver's economy is diverse, with no reliance on any single industry, leading to consistent strength and high employment rates with a household income of $85,000 and over 40,000 businesses.聽

Denver is ranked highly for business friendliness, female entrepreneurship, and education levels.聽

Industry clusters include advanced manufacturing, aerospace, technology, life sciences, energy, finance, healthcare, outdoor recreation, hospitality, and innovation.聽

Economic indicators show low unemployment rates, strong consumer spending, high airport traffic, stable hotel occupancy, and decreasing inflation.聽

The city has a robust IT sector, contributing to its dynamic startup ecosystem, with 12 unicorns and strong investor support.聽

Martin Gonzalez takes over the presentation and talks about the Global Landing Pad Program:聽

The Denver Global Landing Pad program is a three-day business accelerator program designed to provide a comprehensive overview of doing business in Denver which covers various topics such as legal requirements, international tax issues, hiring practices, and marketing strategies tailored to the U.S. audience.聽

Participants are paired with 3 to 5 experts in their field for mentorship sessions and have the opportunity to pitch their product or service.

Applications for the Global Landing Pad program and Denver Startup Week are open until the end of May, welcoming participants to apply and explore opportunities in Denver's thriving business ecosystem.聽


1.聽 Who is eligible to apply for the Denver Global Landing Pad program?聽

The program is open to a wide range of startups, including early-stage companies with one or two employees in their home country, as well as more established companies looking to expand into the U.S.聽

2.聽 Can multiple team members apply for the program?聽

Yes, companies can send more than one person to participate in the program. It may depend on logistical considerations, but having multiple team members can enhance the experience.聽

3.聽 What are the next steps for applying to the program?聽

Interested participants can apply through a simple application process. After applying, the team will follow up with applicants for a one-on-one conversation to ensure the program is the right fit.聽

4.聽 Is there a resource to refer to the presentation or catch up on missed content?聽

While the presentation may not be posted publicly, interested individuals can reach out directly to request information or schedule a discussion about the program.聽

5.聽 Who can the applicants contact from WTC Denver for more information?聽

Martin's email address is provided as a POC for any specific questions about the program or to request further details.聽

6.聽 What resources and services does the City of Denver offer for integrating companies?聽

The City of Denver provides various incentives, warm introductions to relevant contacts, assistance with site selection, and support throughout the integration process. Specific details can be discussed in one- on-one conversations.聽

7.聽 Are success stories of previous participants featured anywhere, and can applicants access them?聽

While not publicly posted, surveys after each session highlight achievements. Around 30% of participants have successfully established operations in Denver, showcasing the program's efficacy in fostering growth and integration.聽