Brexit Lifeboat: Navigate This Historic Event

An essential, can't-miss webinar for any business currently in or planning to be in the UK and EU markets. Join us for this exciting 2-part webinar from experts that are here to support your business through change and transition.


Martin Dubbey, Managing Director of Harod Associates Limited , served over 25 years with HM Customs in the UK. During that time he served in a wide range of posts, before being appointed as a National Coordinator responsible for assisting in the deployment of staff resources in response to threats nationwide. Since leaving the Department he has focused on supply chain security and more recently in the transition period supported business with technology enabled solutions to Brexit. He currently sits on the HMRC Joint Customs Coordination Committee for Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) as a trade side contributor to policy.


Dr. Ray Nulty, Managing Director, Strategy of Brexit Partners , a long-standing expert and partner of the World Trade Center Dublin, will share an in-depth review of the current status of Brexit, what you as a business need to be thinking about, and how your business needs to prepare. Dr. Nulty has over 30 years’ experience as an international business advisor and his organization has guided over 120 organizations to date on Brexit strategies. Dr. Nulty’s qualified knowledge and proficiency on the topic coupled with the support services of WTC Dublin, will be your LIFEBOAT to understand the political and economic climate of Brexit and how you as a small business can maneuver the transition in the best possible way. You’re not alone, we are here to help.

Has the anxiety of the complexity and risk of international payments increased during this pandemic and in anticipation of Brexit? 

Archie Reed, Partnership Manager from Clear Treasury will put you at ease. Learn about how Clear Treasury’s technology platform and FX strategies planning can help your business operate in the current challenging landscape of international trade, how they can help your business mitigate risk of foreign currency transactions, and provide a clear path with the best solutions for your business.