Inclusive Diversification & Energy Transition Web


In October 2023, UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) launched a new edition of the Commodities and Development Report entitled “Inclusive Diversification and Energy Transition.”  This report highlights that most developing countries depend heavily on exporting commodities and, as a result, they are vulnerable to shocks such as fluctuations in exchange rates, drop in commodity prices, pandemics, and conflicts.  Consequently, these so-called commodity-dependent developing countries experience volatile incomes and slow growth in productivity. Their limited range of commodities exported also affects public revenue and the potential for investing in sustainable development.

The Commodities and Development Report 2023 examines various issues including inclusive diversification, energy transition and green industrial policies. Regarding the member countries covered by UNESCAP, several topics such as economic diversification, inequality, green industrial policies are of interest.


The main objective of the webinar is to inform participants about the key findings and messages of the Commodities and Development Report 2023. This webinar is also an opportunity to receive feedback on the report and seek for guidance of the issues that could be explored in the forthcoming reports.


The event is open to UNESCAP member staff, diplomatic missions, academia, and international institutions based in Bangkok and its subregional offices.


Online registration is mandatory for all those wishing to attend the meeting.


The webinar will be conducted in English (without translation) online via the Zoom platform.


United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific