

  • BREXIT: Keep the Port of SAINT-MALO on the Map - Following the partnership agreement signed in April 2018 between the Ille-et-Vilaine Chamber of Commerce and the Franco-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which announced the creation of the Franco-British Business Club (FBBC), Matthew LODGE, Deputy Ambassador of Great ... more

  • BREXIT and maritime trade between France & the UK - A full room last Thursday (10/11/2018) for the Franco-British Club’s second workshop this year! The topic was introduced by Mrs Isabelle AMAUGER from the CESER (Regional Economic, social and Environmental Council) Bretagne (Brittany). Mrs AMAUGER exposed some of the impacts ... more

  • Develop your business in emerging Ă©conomies - The WTC Rennes Bretagne is organizing three workshops in collaboration with Business France in the coming months to help its members understand how to trade better in three emerging economies: Turkey, Ukraine and India.  October 5th (CCI Ille-et-Vilaine, Rennes, France), Turk... more

  • WTC Rennes Bretagne... - Après la rĂ©ussite des deux premiers clubs d’affaires dĂ©marrĂ©s en 2016, le World Trade Center Rennes Bretagne lance son « Franco-British Business Club ». Objectif : multiplier les rencontres et les opportunitĂ©s d’affaires avec le Royaume-Uni et doper le rĂ©seau professionnel des... more