
Past Events

  • Scheduled events - Boosting attractiveness With more than 1,000 trade fairs, conferences and specialist business events organised each year, Paris Ile-de-France CCI offers you a fantastic sounding board to foster your expansion in France and internationally. To meet customers... more

  • MIDEST - An opportunity to meet the largest industrial subcontracting networkThe sole international show to specialize in industrial subcontracting. Conceived both as a network and a catalyst for industry, it makes it possible to initiate, consolidate and develop opportunities of ... more

  • Paris Region Business Meetings (coming soon ) - Speed Business Meetings between big companies and SMEs for economical development of the Paris Region. more

  • EURONAVAL world meeting of naval technologies - PARIS, FRANCE - EURONAVAL is the international trade show applying high technology to naval defense and maritime security and safety. Conferences and workshops - BtoB meetings - Activities on cutting edge activities - Awards for the best of the industry Contacts France for ... more

  • MILIPOL INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MEETINGS - Milipol International Business Meetings & Cartes Secures Connexions BtoB Meetings exhibition sectors / activities•Transmission - Communications - Localisation•IT Computing•Optics - Optronics•Mobility•Arms - Ammunitions•Individual equipment - Fabrics•Major risks - Cri... more